Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Terrible Teens!

Most people complain about teenagers who can't get out of bed until at least noon. Wish that was true!

There's a new breed visiting Skeffling -- the sort who find it necessary to use the children's play area at 5.30 in the morning! When they finally decided to take their unpleasant selves elsewhere they trailed a toilet roll all along the road. Thank you, boys. We really need your messy habits! Not!

One other snippet which I was told the other day. As well as leaving assorted debris in the CHILDREN'S Playground they're now leaving used condoms there, too. Very nice.

If you've got a gripe about their behaviour in the village, please click on Comment below and leave a message. There's a box to click on if you'd rather remain anonymous.

Look forward to hearing from you...

Monday, 27 July 2009

Dogs Toilet!

On the way to Withernsea today no less than FOUR people complained about the dog mess on the Humber Bank at Skeffling and asked if I could do anything about it.

Well, NO, unfortunately I can't -- that's up to the owners of the dogs concerned.

For those dog owners who don't know -- the Humber Bank is NOT a dogs toilet!

Every summer I'm asked by local folk if I can put something in Skeffling News about irresponsible dog owners who don't clear up after their dogs, and every summer I do just that. It's obviously that time of year again, because complaints are coming in thick and fast.

Actually, everyone in Skeffling who take their dogs for a walk have got into the habit of taking a poo bag with them and take the offending deposits home. Well done. It's not hard, just takes a bit of thought, and a bit of care for other people.

One of the people who had a go today uses the bank to jog from Skeffling to Easington and is sick and tired of: a) the disgusting smell of sun baked poo, and b) having to avoid the stuff which disrupts the jog.

I also have it on the best authority -- namely someone who loves sitting on the Humber Bank to enjoy the sunsets -- that the offending dog owners are not Skeffling folk, but people who bring their dogs in cars from PATRINGTON and EASINGTON!

Come on dog owners, please, have some respect. Dog poo is disugusting to see and smell. For Heaven's sake, children play on that Bank and don't want to be up to their tiny ankles in dog mess.

Having researched this problem in the past, I have to tell you irresponsible dog owners it is a criminal offence not to clear up after your dog. Is it really so hard to carry a few plastic bags in your pocket and do the right thing?

If you haven't got any plastic bags at home, you can get them -- FREE OF CHARGE -- from the Council Offices in Withernsea.

For those of you who want to complain about the infestation of irresponsible dog owners into our village and leave their mess on the Humber Bank you can contact the Dog Warden on 01482 396301, or have a look on their Website:

And for those dog owners who bring their pooches from outside Skeffling to enjoy the delights of the Humber Bank, just remember that EVERYONE wants to enjoy the Humber Bank and don't appreciate the smell and sight of dog poo!

Thursday, 23 July 2009

71 Bus Update

Further to my last grizzle about the 71 Bus Route.

I've just found out EYMS have bought THREE new buses for Hull. Aren't those city folk the lucky ones!

Come on, Mr. Shipp, how about us poor relations out here in the sticks. Or was I right in my last Blog - we're just not important enough.

Lots of people have moaned about the buses, I just hope some of them have written to tell YOU how they feel. I know I'm not the only one complaining.

Friday, 17 July 2009

Martin Jackson Concert

Great news! Martin Jackson will be appearing at the Village Hall on Saturday, 26th September.

No details on ticket prices yet, but all will be revealed in Skeffling News in the August edition.

What I can tell you is there'll be a really tasty supper with low calory puddings! There's also a raffle. Bring your own booze. But you knew that, didn't you!

Martin's a popular singer in the area, and has been at the Village Hall quite a few times now. He's also a very busy artist so the Village Hall Committee were lucky to get him.

Full details in the next Skeffling News, and on the Blog...

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Thoughtful Teenagers

Having had a rant about the teenagers who vandalised the churchyard at St. Helen's, and created mayhem in the village. I'd now like to praise two of our very own teenagers, Molly Dosdale and Shauna Nicholson.

These two girls want to raise money for the Play Area Fund to buy new equipment for everyone to enjoy.

Skeffling News will let you know what they're doing and when. Please give them all the support you can and donate generously to their enterprise.

Well done, you two, you're a credit to the community.

71 Bus

How many of you who use the 71 bus regularly are unhappy with the service? LOADS!

That's why I've written about it in Skeffling News this month, AND sent a letter to the Gazette.

Most people have had enough of being jostled about on the ride from Easington, and all stops to Withernsea. We've listened to the pathetic excuses about why we can't have a decent, low level bus which doesn't rattle along while we shiver in the draft coming from who knows where.

It's time to take action.

Everyone I've spoken to about this have complaints galore. All of them fed up with being treated like second class citizens who are not important enough to have a 'proper' bus. Okay, so it's a small route, but it is the only one we've got, and those of us who use it don't think it's beyond the realms of East Riding Motor Services to provide an up-to-date bus that has our safety and comfort in mind.

We have a terrific driver in Paul Davig, now can we please have a bus that matches his high standard of care.

If you agree with me, please, please, write to Peter Shipp at East Yorkshire Motor Services, 252 Anlaby Road, Hull, HU3 2RS.

The more complaints he gets, the more chance we have of getting the bus we deserve.

I'd be very interested in your comments about the 71 bus, and if you want help writing a letter just let me know.

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Vandalism at St. Helen's

This week there has been a spate of vandalism at St. Helen’s Church.

The bench at the side of the porch has been broken and is now beyond repair.

The oldest headstone in the churchyard has been broken into two pieces. It is dedicated to John Mitchinson who died on the 25th April 1787 at the age of 83 years and has been in the churchyard, undamaged, for almost 230 years.

The Hornbean tree at the side of the bench dedicated to the memory of Melvin Douglas has been snapped off close to the root. This is a slow growing tree and quite rare. It is unlikely to recover.

St Helen’s has a special place in the lives of the people of Skeffling. Many local families have more than two generations of relatives buried there.

The Churchyard is a place of peace for quiet reflection, but just recently has been turned into a playground by teenagers to display their cycling skills.

Whether the damage was deliberate or caused by accident, the behaviour of these teenagers was totally unacceptable and thoroughly disrespectful to the Church, those who spend time in the churchyard, and Skeffling as a whole.

Unfortunately the vandalism doesn’t end there.

It took many years and a lot of hard work by the people of Skeffling to create the children’s play area at the Village Hall and has the reputation for being safe.

Yet for the past few months it has been used and abused by the same group of teenagers who have vandalised St. Helen’s churchyard.

People are fed up with clearing up the beer cans, cigarette ends and broken glass. In addition, part of the fence has been deliberately torn away from the supporting post, leaving nails and screws exposed, causing a real danger to young children. A temporary repair has been made.

At the last Council meeting it was unanimously agreed that the play area needed some maintenance. Local children have long been asking for a see-saw. This was another item which was to be added to the play area. This was to be done before the school holidays.

Someone said to me today: “Is it worth it? It’ll just be another target to be destroyed.”

Someone else said: “All kids get out of hand now and again, but this lot seem to relish being cheeky and foul mouthed! Their language is disgusting, and their behaviour can be intimidating”

Feelings are running high in Skeffling about the behaviour of this group of teenagers who have chosen our village to get up to mischief.

All kids need their freedom to grow into good, law-abiding adults, and for this they need guidance from those who have already trod that path – in other words, the grown-ups of today.

The people who live in Skeffling love the village, so if you want them to respect and welcome you here, please show respect. If you can’t do that, please grow up in your own village, because you won’t be welcome here.

Friday, 3 July 2009

Good News!

After many months of negotiations and meetings with Yorkshire Water, repairs to the filtration plant is about to begin.

Work will start on Monday, 6th July and go on for about two weeks.