Yesterday a very special friend died.
I've known Paul for 4 years and during that time he became more than a T'ai Chi Instructor, he became a very dear friend and mentor.
Everyone who came to his T'ai Chi class will know how much fun Paul could be. I'm surprised any of us actually learned T'ai Chi through the laughter. But then, Paul was an excellent teacher.
Paul can't be summed up in a few words. He can be summed up in just one - unique.
As we go through life people come and go. Some remain lifelong friends, others just pass through and leave a small memory of themselves behind. Paul was someone who touched everyones heart because he reached out with his. He was only part of my life for a short time, but he gave me so much.
When he first became ill we'd literally spend hours on the phone talking about everything and laughing a lot together. When he rang me to tell me he had cancer, then we cried together.
There is an old saying that when the pupil is ready the teacher will appear. Paul not only taught me T'ai Chi, he reawakened a spirituality in me which had been asleep for a long, long time. For that I will always be grateful.
I have one more wish for "The Boss" -- safe journey... He knows what I mean...
If you would like to add your thoughts to mine, please click on the COMMENTS box below. I promise I will pass every one on to Barbara, his mother, and David, his brother.
Do East Riding Council think we are plebs
12 years ago