By WE, I mean Skeffling!
A few weeks ago we learned Skeffling had been entered for a Microgeneration Award which is sponsored by the Energy Saving Trust. The awards were for local efforts to make the planet greener. Then we learned we'd actually been nominated for one of the awards.
That's when it started to get a bit exciting. We received an invitation for two people from the Parish Council to represent the village and attend the dinner where the presentations would be made. It was eventually decided that James Robinson and myself would go, although we didn't think we stood a chance of winning.
Paul Hudson, the weathrman from Look North, was the speaker and also presented the awards. When it came to our category and we saw the list of nominees, which included The National Trust, we really thought a big organisation would get it. So you can imagine our shock and amazement when they announced SKEFFLING HAD WON!
I have to say James looked totally stunned when he collected the award on behalf of Skeffling. But what a wonderful endorsement for all our work at making Skeffling a greener village. It wouldn't have happened without all the hard work done by everyone in the village. Yet when you look back to the beginning of our campaign to 'go green' we have achieved a great deal.
Most houses now have compost bins, all the revenue from the glass, paper and aluminium recycling has created a children's playground, the wind turbine and energy saving measures have made the Village Hall completely self-sufficient, and there are so many other things too numerous to mention.
And the Skeffling community has done it all!
So give yourselves a big pat on the back and be proud of your achievements. Not only is Skeffling now firmly on the world map, all our hard work has been recognised by receiving a very prestigious award.
Put simply, when it comes to being 'green' we're the best village in Yorkshire...
Do East Riding Council think we are plebs
12 years ago