I've been to a lot of airports in my life, including several in America, and through all the various security procedures in operation, I have never been frisked!
Then I went to Leeds/Bradford...
There was no problem till I walked through the metal detector and it 'pinged'.
Like phantoms in the night I was suddenly encircled by three security guards, two male and one female. One of the male guards demanded my shoes then stood with the other one, about two feet away from me and watched while the female guard frisked me!
"Hold your arms out," she said crisply with a suspicious gleam in her eye as she began the procedure.
I'm glad she was wearing gloves! And I won't go into the embarrassment I felt at this public body search!
While I was suffering in silence through this 'frisking' procedure my 'friends' were hiding round the corner laughing their socks off!
When the female security person had finally finished frisking my body she tapped my watch, which had a metal strap, signifying to her male colleagues that their fun was over where I was concerned. Miraculously they disappeard as silently as they'd appeared. Not so much as a by your leave, or, you can go now!
I just hope that little escapade livened up their day - it didn't do much for mine. And that was only the START of the holiday!
Do East Riding Council think we are plebs
12 years ago
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