Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Wind Turbine Farm

For those of you who received the leaflet regarding BTs proposed plans for a wind turbine farm in Skeffling, you'll know all about this. For those of you who didn't, BT want to erect 5 wind turbines in the field on the edge of Main Road.

Skeffling Parish Council have written strongly opposing this wind farm, the main argument being that our area is slowly being 'industrialised'. We've got an ever expanding gas site, there will soon be about 80 wind turbines offshore, and a pipeline running from Easington right through our area. On top of all this the Environment Agency want to flood an area of Skeffling so that the 'bods' and 'woms' will be protected.

Easington Parish Council have also written opposing the proposed wind farm, as have Roos who are theatened with a wind farm of their own.

I sent copies of the letter from the Parish Council to Cllr. Richard Stead and Graham Stuart MP. This morning I received replies from both of them supporting our objections most strongly.

Then I heard that BT have finished their investigation and are proposing to submit planning permission.

Any objections you have, please leave a comment. These can then be passed on to the relevant people. Whether you're for or against another wind turbine farm in our area, I'm sure others will be interested in your comments.

Sunday, 25 October 2009

2009 Autumn Spectacular

The 2009 Autumn Spectacular at Hull City Hall was in aid of: The Echoes Foundation, The British Heart Foundation and the Oncology Department, Castle Hill Hospital.

Charmain, Jean and I went to the concert on the 19th October specially to see Ti Amero. We weren't disappointed! They sang three songs, the last of which was Unchained Melody. They sang it in English and Italian and there wasn't a dry eye in the place.

Our one complaint was the sound balance. It was truly awful. The music was very audible, but the voices got lost along the way. The Westfield County Primary School Choir from Cottingham had obviously rehearsed their song for weeks, and put their hearts into their performance on the night. Unfortunately 30 or so little ones couldn't compete with the paino accompanyment and their voices were drowned out.

During the intermission quite a few people mentioned the sound quality, (mouthy me being one of them!) and the second half was vastly improved. The message had obviously got through. Could I suggest that a sound check before the performance might be the way to go.

That aside, the evening was great. There were lots of artists, singers, dancers, choirs, and, of course, the fantastic Kingstown Scottish pipe band. Everyone, artists and audience alike, knew someone who one of the charities represented, which made the evening all the more poignant.

As its an annual event I'm already looking forward to next year's show.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Love Zone

Haven't had a minute to post a blog lately - I've been seriously busy working in my new website!

I'm really excited. It's been up and running since last Thursday, and I've already had some very complimentary comments.

Big, big THANK YOU to Tom for all his invaluable help. He's made a success of the Skeffling website, and, if you remember, he offered to help anyone else set up a website. Little did he realise what a challenge I'd set him! He's been very patient. I hope I've at least been a nearly good pupil.

Another big THANK YOU to Shauna who's done all the graphics and is responsible for my fabulous logo. She's a very talented young lady, and is going to do me a series of 'cute people' to illustrate some of the stories.

I'm really looking forward to improving LOVE ZONE, and posting lots more stories. I also hope you'll enjoy reading them.

On Monday, Charmain, Jean and I are off to City Hall to see Martin Jackson appearing with Ti Amero. We'll be getting some retail therapy before the concert, naturally...

For the curious among you, you can visit LOVE ZONE right now!

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Nursy Julie...

Thought this might give you a laugh!
As you can see Nursy Julie is administering first aid to Martin Jackson via an unpleasantly large syringe. After his 'treatment' Martin was able to sing two octaves higher!

Monday, 5 October 2009

Marie Curie Cancer - Update

Julie Newsam has asked me to give everyone who donated to Marie Curie Cancer a big, big THANK YOU, on behalf of the 8 lady 'walkers'. They were overwhelmed and delighted by your generosity.

And a big, big, CONGRATULATIONS to them!

Those girls did so well! Their midnight walk over the Humber Bridge raised a massive £500 in sponsorship money, and it's still coming in!

They left Skeffling Village Hall at 10.30pm, to travel to Hull. Before they left, a 'donations' bucket was put at the door, and you wonderful, generous people, chucked in £22 and some change. That was in ADDITION to the sponsors.

For those of you who have been following my blogs you'll know that 8 lovely ladies dressed up as 'doctors and nurses' to do the 3.3mile midnight walk over the Humber Bridge to raise money for Marie Curie Cancer.

So, thank you ladies. Good Job!

Friday, 2 October 2009

Martin Jackson Concert


At his Concert on the 26th September at Skeffling Village Hall Martin proved he's not just a magnificent singer, he's an all round entertainer. He can crack jokes in the middle of songs without missing a beat, and when he decided to help Dot with the raffle she went all of a dither!

Thank you , Martin, for a terrific night.

If you want to see him again, he's on at Hull City Hall on Monday, 19th October. It's the Autumn Spectacular 2009 in aid of THE ECHOES FOUNDATION and THE BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION. It starts at 7.30pm. Tickets £12, concessions £10. Box Office: 01482 226655

This time Martin will be appearing with Ti Amero, so it'll give his fans a chance to see yet another side of his talent.