Being big fans of Meatloaf my friend, Sharon, sent me a link to Meatloaf’s page on Facebook. It was well worth looking at and after I'd listened to the music I clicked on the Like button, as you do. Now here's the exciting bit - a few days later I got a message from the man himself. Meatloaf had posted a message on my Facebook page! Then, at the weekend, he sent me a really lovely picture of himself from his personal Blackberry.
The fantasy would have been complete had I not known that exactly the same thing was appearing on several thousand other Facebook pages, including Sharon’s!
My brush with the music biz didn’t end there either.
For the past couple of weeks my son, Paul, has been on Facebook raving about his friend, Stephen Jones’ radio programme on Rhondda Radio. It’s called ‘The Old Grey Beard Show’ and is broadcast on Tuesday night between 8 and 10pm. So, curious to know what it was all about, I tuned in and was seriously impressed.
Next morning I sent Stephen a message on Facebook to tell him how much I enjoyed the show and would be tuning in again next week. I also happened to mention that if he did requests ‘Two Out of Three Ain’ Bad’ by Meatloaf would be nice.
You can imagine my surprise when, an hour later, I got a reply from Stephen. He said if he’d known I was listening he’d have given me a mention and he was working on playing my request next week!
Can’t wait for Tuesday. Rhondda Radio is, of course, a local radio station which you probably won’t pick up unless you live in the Rhondda. You can, however, tune in on your PC as I did. The web site address is: It's on 87.8fm if you want to give the radio a try.
If you like Rock, you’ll love The Old Grey Beard Show.
Oh yes, one other thing... Whilst all this excitement was happening I gave up smoking on Monday...
Do East Riding Council think we are plebs
12 years ago
1 comment:
Again !
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