Friday, 27 November 2009

I'm A Celebrity....

Last week Tom nagged me rotten because I haven't posted a Blog for weeks. Well, I told him, I've got nothing to rant about. Life's good. I've spent a week in Wales meeting relatives and having a good time with friends.

Then, just now, it happened! Like a lot of other sad people I know I was watching I'm a Celebrity... and there she was -Kim. To call her manipulative is being polite. To call her a control freak is being nice. She had poor Sabrina in tears and why? Because Sabrina, through a democratic vote, won the right to do a bush tucker trial. That wasn't good enough for Kim, however. In her manipulative opinion Sabrina shouldn't do it, Jimmy White should.

She argued her point voraciously, refusing absolutely to listen to any one else, and totally ignoring the fact Sabrina had won democratically. She kept on until everyone gave in just to shut her up. So Jimmy did the trial and Sabrina was left in tears. Who does that woman think she is. Do as I say or you're not playing! Bet she was fun in the playground at school.

And what is her claim to fame? Cleaning mucky peoples houses and washing George Hamilton's underpants! That'll look really good on her CV!

I have to sympathise with George. He's had affairs with some of the most beautiful women in the world. Elizabeth Taylor for one, beauty queens for a lot more, and where does he end up. Sleeping with bossy Kim in a broken down old caravan in a jungle! At least he gets his knickers washed!

Well, how's that for a rant. Stay tuned. It's X-Factor tomorrow. Mind you now the terrible twins have gone there's not a lot to say about it really.

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Bonfire Night

Yes, Tom, I totally agree with your Blog about bonfire night. We're really lucky in Skeffling to have such a dedicated Village Hall Committee.

As for the addiction bit! Charmain has certainly spread the word about the jigsaw website. It does get addictive, but it's fun, too!

I'm off to Wales on Monday to search for ancestors, so this week has been frantic getting three more stories on Love Zone. These are for you regular visitors who have read the others! Hope you like these. I must admit starting the website was a bit daunting, but now I'm loving it. It's opened up a whole new world and much more interesting than just using the internet for doing my shopping.

Has anyone seen the Appeal in Skeffling News about Captain Duncan. If anyone's got any information please share it with us. It looks like being a really interesting story.

I'm off to pack for Wales now, or I'll be wearing the same clothes all week!