Tuesday, 15 December 2009

It must be nearly Christmas!

I know this because most people I meet are rushing around with frantic looks on their faces. Plus I got a Tesco order last week and there were a fair few bottles in amongst the food. I've also been wrapping presents and sending cards to family and friends far and wide.

Yes, it's nearly Christmas!

It was very disappointing not being able to have our annual Carol Service at St. Helen's, but the Village Hall Committee came up trumps yet again. On Monday, 21st December the Village Hall will rock to the sound of carols being sung with great gusto and feeling. This will be followed by hot drinks and mince pies. But I don't think Santa's coming. Well, he'll be busy in elfland putting the finishing touches to all those little treasures kids will find under the tree on Christmas morning.

Wonder who services his sleigh!

There seems to be loads going on in our little corner of the world. Bernard will be accompanying revellers in Easington Square on Thursday night for a good carol singalong. Followed by refreshments at the White Horse. On Saturday the Withernsea Ladies Choir will be singing at Easington Community Centre, and on Monday we've got our Carol Service at the Village Hall.

And they say nothing happens around here.

Have you seen the tele schedule for Christmas? Hope you've put plenty of DVDs on your Christmas list. You're going to need them! There's obviously nothing happening in teleland over the holidays. Maybe all the Julie Andrews films have finally worn out.

There are two films I shall be watching on Christmas Day, if I manage to stay awake after my dinner and bottle of sparkling Pinot Noir. First off there's Kiss Me Kate with Howard Keel, Kathryn Grayson and Ann Miller, followed immediately by White Christmas. I've seen this film so many times, but it's always worth a look. Do you cry at the end when they open the doors and it's snowing? I do. Hope Santa remembers to bring me a box of tissues this year...

Friday, 27 November 2009

I'm A Celebrity....

Last week Tom nagged me rotten because I haven't posted a Blog for weeks. Well, I told him, I've got nothing to rant about. Life's good. I've spent a week in Wales meeting relatives and having a good time with friends.

Then, just now, it happened! Like a lot of other sad people I know I was watching I'm a Celebrity... and there she was -Kim. To call her manipulative is being polite. To call her a control freak is being nice. She had poor Sabrina in tears and why? Because Sabrina, through a democratic vote, won the right to do a bush tucker trial. That wasn't good enough for Kim, however. In her manipulative opinion Sabrina shouldn't do it, Jimmy White should.

She argued her point voraciously, refusing absolutely to listen to any one else, and totally ignoring the fact Sabrina had won democratically. She kept on until everyone gave in just to shut her up. So Jimmy did the trial and Sabrina was left in tears. Who does that woman think she is. Do as I say or you're not playing! Bet she was fun in the playground at school.

And what is her claim to fame? Cleaning mucky peoples houses and washing George Hamilton's underpants! That'll look really good on her CV!

I have to sympathise with George. He's had affairs with some of the most beautiful women in the world. Elizabeth Taylor for one, beauty queens for a lot more, and where does he end up. Sleeping with bossy Kim in a broken down old caravan in a jungle! At least he gets his knickers washed!

Well, how's that for a rant. Stay tuned. It's X-Factor tomorrow. Mind you now the terrible twins have gone there's not a lot to say about it really.

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Bonfire Night

Yes, Tom, I totally agree with your Blog about bonfire night. We're really lucky in Skeffling to have such a dedicated Village Hall Committee.

As for the addiction bit! Charmain has certainly spread the word about the jigsaw website. It does get addictive, but it's fun, too!

I'm off to Wales on Monday to search for ancestors, so this week has been frantic getting three more stories on Love Zone. These are for you regular visitors who have read the others! Hope you like these. I must admit starting the website was a bit daunting, but now I'm loving it. It's opened up a whole new world and much more interesting than just using the internet for doing my shopping.

Has anyone seen the Appeal in Skeffling News about Captain Duncan. If anyone's got any information please share it with us. It looks like being a really interesting story.

I'm off to pack for Wales now, or I'll be wearing the same clothes all week!

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Wind Turbine Farm

For those of you who received the leaflet regarding BTs proposed plans for a wind turbine farm in Skeffling, you'll know all about this. For those of you who didn't, BT want to erect 5 wind turbines in the field on the edge of Main Road.

Skeffling Parish Council have written strongly opposing this wind farm, the main argument being that our area is slowly being 'industrialised'. We've got an ever expanding gas site, there will soon be about 80 wind turbines offshore, and a pipeline running from Easington right through our area. On top of all this the Environment Agency want to flood an area of Skeffling so that the 'bods' and 'woms' will be protected.

Easington Parish Council have also written opposing the proposed wind farm, as have Roos who are theatened with a wind farm of their own.

I sent copies of the letter from the Parish Council to Cllr. Richard Stead and Graham Stuart MP. This morning I received replies from both of them supporting our objections most strongly.

Then I heard that BT have finished their investigation and are proposing to submit planning permission.

Any objections you have, please leave a comment. These can then be passed on to the relevant people. Whether you're for or against another wind turbine farm in our area, I'm sure others will be interested in your comments.

Sunday, 25 October 2009

2009 Autumn Spectacular

The 2009 Autumn Spectacular at Hull City Hall was in aid of: The Echoes Foundation, The British Heart Foundation and the Oncology Department, Castle Hill Hospital.

Charmain, Jean and I went to the concert on the 19th October specially to see Ti Amero. We weren't disappointed! They sang three songs, the last of which was Unchained Melody. They sang it in English and Italian and there wasn't a dry eye in the place.

Our one complaint was the sound balance. It was truly awful. The music was very audible, but the voices got lost along the way. The Westfield County Primary School Choir from Cottingham had obviously rehearsed their song for weeks, and put their hearts into their performance on the night. Unfortunately 30 or so little ones couldn't compete with the paino accompanyment and their voices were drowned out.

During the intermission quite a few people mentioned the sound quality, (mouthy me being one of them!) and the second half was vastly improved. The message had obviously got through. Could I suggest that a sound check before the performance might be the way to go.

That aside, the evening was great. There were lots of artists, singers, dancers, choirs, and, of course, the fantastic Kingstown Scottish pipe band. Everyone, artists and audience alike, knew someone who one of the charities represented, which made the evening all the more poignant.

As its an annual event I'm already looking forward to next year's show.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Love Zone

Haven't had a minute to post a blog lately - I've been seriously busy working in my new website!

I'm really excited. It's been up and running since last Thursday, and I've already had some very complimentary comments.

Big, big THANK YOU to Tom for all his invaluable help. He's made a success of the Skeffling website, and, if you remember, he offered to help anyone else set up a website. Little did he realise what a challenge I'd set him! He's been very patient. I hope I've at least been a nearly good pupil.

Another big THANK YOU to Shauna who's done all the graphics and is responsible for my fabulous logo. She's a very talented young lady, and is going to do me a series of 'cute people' to illustrate some of the stories.

I'm really looking forward to improving LOVE ZONE, and posting lots more stories. I also hope you'll enjoy reading them.

On Monday, Charmain, Jean and I are off to City Hall to see Martin Jackson appearing with Ti Amero. We'll be getting some retail therapy before the concert, naturally...

For the curious among you, you can visit LOVE ZONE right now!

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Nursy Julie...

Thought this might give you a laugh!
As you can see Nursy Julie is administering first aid to Martin Jackson via an unpleasantly large syringe. After his 'treatment' Martin was able to sing two octaves higher!

Monday, 5 October 2009

Marie Curie Cancer - Update

Julie Newsam has asked me to give everyone who donated to Marie Curie Cancer a big, big THANK YOU, on behalf of the 8 lady 'walkers'. They were overwhelmed and delighted by your generosity.

And a big, big, CONGRATULATIONS to them!

Those girls did so well! Their midnight walk over the Humber Bridge raised a massive £500 in sponsorship money, and it's still coming in!

They left Skeffling Village Hall at 10.30pm, to travel to Hull. Before they left, a 'donations' bucket was put at the door, and you wonderful, generous people, chucked in £22 and some change. That was in ADDITION to the sponsors.

For those of you who have been following my blogs you'll know that 8 lovely ladies dressed up as 'doctors and nurses' to do the 3.3mile midnight walk over the Humber Bridge to raise money for Marie Curie Cancer.

So, thank you ladies. Good Job!

Friday, 2 October 2009

Martin Jackson Concert


At his Concert on the 26th September at Skeffling Village Hall Martin proved he's not just a magnificent singer, he's an all round entertainer. He can crack jokes in the middle of songs without missing a beat, and when he decided to help Dot with the raffle she went all of a dither!

Thank you , Martin, for a terrific night.

If you want to see him again, he's on at Hull City Hall on Monday, 19th October. It's the Autumn Spectacular 2009 in aid of THE ECHOES FOUNDATION and THE BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION. It starts at 7.30pm. Tickets £12, concessions £10. Box Office: 01482 226655

This time Martin will be appearing with Ti Amero, so it'll give his fans a chance to see yet another side of his talent.

Monday, 28 September 2009

Marie Curie Cancer Walk

Saturday, 26th September was a very busy day for Julie Newsam of Skeffling.

As well as cooking some of the low calorie puddings for the Martin Jackson Concert that night, she helped prepare Skeffling Village Hall for the social evening, then took entrance money and started selling raffle tickets!

You'd have thought by then she'd be ready for a long sit down with a glass or three of wine to enjoy listening to Martin Jackson.

Not on your life!

At 10.30pm Julie, daughter Vicky, and a lot of friends left the Village Hall to take part in the Marie Curie Cancer walk over the Humber Bridge which began at midnight!

Dressed as Doctors and Nurses (we won't go into that) they left the Village Hall to resounding applause and set off for Hull.

The Humber Bridge is 3.3 miles long, and when they got to the other side they had to walk all the way back again!

I was assured, VERY firmly, by one of the ladies, that they were doing the walk SOBER!

Congratulations, ladies, you did a wonderful job for a very worthwhile charity. Once all the sponsorship money is in, I'll let you know how much they raised.

A full update will be in the October issue of Skeffling News.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

71 Bus Route

It was two months ago that I started writing to people about the appalling state of the buses on the 71 bus route to Withernsea.

As well as posting a blog, I wrote an item for Skeffling News, and letters to the Holderness Gazette and Hull Daily Mail. From all of this I rather optimistically thought Peter Shippe of EYMS would have responded to the complaints.

But of course he didn't. He's a busy man. He doesn't have to travel on the 71 bus to Withernsea. Indeed, if he ever did venture this far out of Hull he'd do it in the luxury of a safe, warm car!

Us passengers, on the other hand, look like facing yet another winter in a rickety old drafty rattle-trap of a bus which seems to be in the garage for repairs at least once a week!

In pure frustration I have, again, sent a letter to the Gazette in the hope that Mr. Shippe will dig deep into his conscience and at least reply this time.

Better still, I'd like Mr. Shippe to leave the comfort of his office and spend a few hours on the 71 bus and talk to the passengers. It's a faint hope, but I think it's about time he saw for himself the low standard of vehicle he's allowing to go on the road. It doesn't even have safety belts! So much for passenger care.

In the column just left of this Post you'll find a poll. Please use it to register your feelings on our bus route.

The poll will run for a month, and the results WILL be sent to Peter Shippe.

It'll be interesting to see how long he can go on ignoring us!

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

I Was Frisked!

I've been to a lot of airports in my life, including several in America, and through all the various security procedures in operation, I have never been frisked!

Then I went to Leeds/Bradford...

There was no problem till I walked through the metal detector and it 'pinged'.

Like phantoms in the night I was suddenly encircled by three security guards, two male and one female. One of the male guards demanded my shoes then stood with the other one, about two feet away from me and watched while the female guard frisked me!

"Hold your arms out," she said crisply with a suspicious gleam in her eye as she began the procedure.

I'm glad she was wearing gloves! And I won't go into the embarrassment I felt at this public body search!

While I was suffering in silence through this 'frisking' procedure my 'friends' were hiding round the corner laughing their socks off!

When the female security person had finally finished frisking my body she tapped my watch, which had a metal strap, signifying to her male colleagues that their fun was over where I was concerned. Miraculously they disappeard as silently as they'd appeared. Not so much as a by your leave, or, you can go now!

I just hope that little escapade livened up their day - it didn't do much for mine. And that was only the START of the holiday!

Sunday, 13 September 2009


Oops! Sorry, spelling mistake.

Zykanthos is in fact ZAKYNTHOS.

I knew that. Just testing...

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Post Holiday!

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the long silence, this was due to a longed for holiday. This year it was Zante, a much recommended place to be. So I went.

Zante is the place for sun, sea, sand, and anything else beginning with s!

It's probably the greenest of the Greek Islands, and the action is mainly beach based. Plenty of water sports for those inclined, with shallow water, toally safe for little ones, and those who just like a paddle.

Now here's a fact. Zante is the name the Venetians called the island when they were in occupation for a few hundred years. The Greeks, however, call it Zykanthos, which is the Greek name. So far I haven't heard anyone who lives on the island call it Zante, it's always Zykanthos.

The temperature was almost 100 degrees every day, and it's not much under 80 at night. Having air conditioning is wonderful. It makes sleep possible, which you need after a hard day lying on a sunbed on the beach. Well, someone has to do it!

All this heat tends to trigger off forest fires. On our first day on the beach helicopters were gathering water and flying off to dump it on fires. Then we heard there were huge fires near Athens. Nowhere near us, but there were lots of foresty bits prone to ignite on the island.

Zykanthos is an ideal place if you're looking for a relaxing holiday to get a suntan and make the folks back home envious. The only drawback are the mosquitoes. And there are lots of them! They're BIG and very hungry. So if mozzies look on you as a walking dinner, this isn't the place for you.

You're definitely not going to have a Shirley Valentine experience covered in mozzie bites!

Friday, 7 August 2009

Paul Swann -- 1970 - 2009

Yesterday a very special friend died.

I've known Paul for 4 years and during that time he became more than a T'ai Chi Instructor, he became a very dear friend and mentor.

Everyone who came to his T'ai Chi class will know how much fun Paul could be. I'm surprised any of us actually learned T'ai Chi through the laughter. But then, Paul was an excellent teacher.

Paul can't be summed up in a few words. He can be summed up in just one - unique.

As we go through life people come and go. Some remain lifelong friends, others just pass through and leave a small memory of themselves behind. Paul was someone who touched everyones heart because he reached out with his. He was only part of my life for a short time, but he gave me so much.

When he first became ill we'd literally spend hours on the phone talking about everything and laughing a lot together. When he rang me to tell me he had cancer, then we cried together.

There is an old saying that when the pupil is ready the teacher will appear. Paul not only taught me T'ai Chi, he reawakened a spirituality in me which had been asleep for a long, long time. For that I will always be grateful.

I have one more wish for "The Boss" -- safe journey... He knows what I mean...

If you would like to add your thoughts to mine, please click on the COMMENTS box below. I promise I will pass every one on to Barbara, his mother, and David, his brother.

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Terrible Teens!

Most people complain about teenagers who can't get out of bed until at least noon. Wish that was true!

There's a new breed visiting Skeffling -- the sort who find it necessary to use the children's play area at 5.30 in the morning! When they finally decided to take their unpleasant selves elsewhere they trailed a toilet roll all along the road. Thank you, boys. We really need your messy habits! Not!

One other snippet which I was told the other day. As well as leaving assorted debris in the CHILDREN'S Playground they're now leaving used condoms there, too. Very nice.

If you've got a gripe about their behaviour in the village, please click on Comment below and leave a message. There's a box to click on if you'd rather remain anonymous.

Look forward to hearing from you...

Monday, 27 July 2009

Dogs Toilet!

On the way to Withernsea today no less than FOUR people complained about the dog mess on the Humber Bank at Skeffling and asked if I could do anything about it.

Well, NO, unfortunately I can't -- that's up to the owners of the dogs concerned.

For those dog owners who don't know -- the Humber Bank is NOT a dogs toilet!

Every summer I'm asked by local folk if I can put something in Skeffling News about irresponsible dog owners who don't clear up after their dogs, and every summer I do just that. It's obviously that time of year again, because complaints are coming in thick and fast.

Actually, everyone in Skeffling who take their dogs for a walk have got into the habit of taking a poo bag with them and take the offending deposits home. Well done. It's not hard, just takes a bit of thought, and a bit of care for other people.

One of the people who had a go today uses the bank to jog from Skeffling to Easington and is sick and tired of: a) the disgusting smell of sun baked poo, and b) having to avoid the stuff which disrupts the jog.

I also have it on the best authority -- namely someone who loves sitting on the Humber Bank to enjoy the sunsets -- that the offending dog owners are not Skeffling folk, but people who bring their dogs in cars from PATRINGTON and EASINGTON!

Come on dog owners, please, have some respect. Dog poo is disugusting to see and smell. For Heaven's sake, children play on that Bank and don't want to be up to their tiny ankles in dog mess.

Having researched this problem in the past, I have to tell you irresponsible dog owners it is a criminal offence not to clear up after your dog. Is it really so hard to carry a few plastic bags in your pocket and do the right thing?

If you haven't got any plastic bags at home, you can get them -- FREE OF CHARGE -- from the Council Offices in Withernsea.

For those of you who want to complain about the infestation of irresponsible dog owners into our village and leave their mess on the Humber Bank you can contact the Dog Warden on 01482 396301, or have a look on their Website: www.animalwarden.eastriding.gov.uk

And for those dog owners who bring their pooches from outside Skeffling to enjoy the delights of the Humber Bank, just remember that EVERYONE wants to enjoy the Humber Bank and don't appreciate the smell and sight of dog poo!

Thursday, 23 July 2009

71 Bus Update

Further to my last grizzle about the 71 Bus Route.

I've just found out EYMS have bought THREE new buses for Hull. Aren't those city folk the lucky ones!

Come on, Mr. Shipp, how about us poor relations out here in the sticks. Or was I right in my last Blog - we're just not important enough.

Lots of people have moaned about the buses, I just hope some of them have written to tell YOU how they feel. I know I'm not the only one complaining.

Friday, 17 July 2009

Martin Jackson Concert

Great news! Martin Jackson will be appearing at the Village Hall on Saturday, 26th September.

No details on ticket prices yet, but all will be revealed in Skeffling News in the August edition.

What I can tell you is there'll be a really tasty supper with low calory puddings! There's also a raffle. Bring your own booze. But you knew that, didn't you!

Martin's a popular singer in the area, and has been at the Village Hall quite a few times now. He's also a very busy artist so the Village Hall Committee were lucky to get him.

Full details in the next Skeffling News, and on the Blog...

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Thoughtful Teenagers

Having had a rant about the teenagers who vandalised the churchyard at St. Helen's, and created mayhem in the village. I'd now like to praise two of our very own teenagers, Molly Dosdale and Shauna Nicholson.

These two girls want to raise money for the Play Area Fund to buy new equipment for everyone to enjoy.

Skeffling News will let you know what they're doing and when. Please give them all the support you can and donate generously to their enterprise.

Well done, you two, you're a credit to the community.

71 Bus

How many of you who use the 71 bus regularly are unhappy with the service? LOADS!

That's why I've written about it in Skeffling News this month, AND sent a letter to the Gazette.

Most people have had enough of being jostled about on the ride from Easington, and all stops to Withernsea. We've listened to the pathetic excuses about why we can't have a decent, low level bus which doesn't rattle along while we shiver in the draft coming from who knows where.

It's time to take action.

Everyone I've spoken to about this have complaints galore. All of them fed up with being treated like second class citizens who are not important enough to have a 'proper' bus. Okay, so it's a small route, but it is the only one we've got, and those of us who use it don't think it's beyond the realms of East Riding Motor Services to provide an up-to-date bus that has our safety and comfort in mind.

We have a terrific driver in Paul Davig, now can we please have a bus that matches his high standard of care.

If you agree with me, please, please, write to Peter Shipp at East Yorkshire Motor Services, 252 Anlaby Road, Hull, HU3 2RS.

The more complaints he gets, the more chance we have of getting the bus we deserve.

I'd be very interested in your comments about the 71 bus, and if you want help writing a letter just let me know.

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Vandalism at St. Helen's

This week there has been a spate of vandalism at St. Helen’s Church.

The bench at the side of the porch has been broken and is now beyond repair.

The oldest headstone in the churchyard has been broken into two pieces. It is dedicated to John Mitchinson who died on the 25th April 1787 at the age of 83 years and has been in the churchyard, undamaged, for almost 230 years.

The Hornbean tree at the side of the bench dedicated to the memory of Melvin Douglas has been snapped off close to the root. This is a slow growing tree and quite rare. It is unlikely to recover.

St Helen’s has a special place in the lives of the people of Skeffling. Many local families have more than two generations of relatives buried there.

The Churchyard is a place of peace for quiet reflection, but just recently has been turned into a playground by teenagers to display their cycling skills.

Whether the damage was deliberate or caused by accident, the behaviour of these teenagers was totally unacceptable and thoroughly disrespectful to the Church, those who spend time in the churchyard, and Skeffling as a whole.

Unfortunately the vandalism doesn’t end there.

It took many years and a lot of hard work by the people of Skeffling to create the children’s play area at the Village Hall and has the reputation for being safe.

Yet for the past few months it has been used and abused by the same group of teenagers who have vandalised St. Helen’s churchyard.

People are fed up with clearing up the beer cans, cigarette ends and broken glass. In addition, part of the fence has been deliberately torn away from the supporting post, leaving nails and screws exposed, causing a real danger to young children. A temporary repair has been made.

At the last Council meeting it was unanimously agreed that the play area needed some maintenance. Local children have long been asking for a see-saw. This was another item which was to be added to the play area. This was to be done before the school holidays.

Someone said to me today: “Is it worth it? It’ll just be another target to be destroyed.”

Someone else said: “All kids get out of hand now and again, but this lot seem to relish being cheeky and foul mouthed! Their language is disgusting, and their behaviour can be intimidating”

Feelings are running high in Skeffling about the behaviour of this group of teenagers who have chosen our village to get up to mischief.

All kids need their freedom to grow into good, law-abiding adults, and for this they need guidance from those who have already trod that path – in other words, the grown-ups of today.

The people who live in Skeffling love the village, so if you want them to respect and welcome you here, please show respect. If you can’t do that, please grow up in your own village, because you won’t be welcome here.

Friday, 3 July 2009

Good News!

After many months of negotiations and meetings with Yorkshire Water, repairs to the filtration plant is about to begin.

Work will start on Monday, 6th July and go on for about two weeks.

Friday, 26 June 2009

Liaison Meeting

For those of you who are interested in the speeding problem, it will be discussed at the Liaison Meeting at Easington.

This will be held on 7 July at 6.15pm at Easington Community Centre.

The Liaison meetings are held to bring the views of the public to the attention of BP, Centrica and Langeled.

I understand that this is to be the last meeting of the Liaison Group, which is a shame, as contact with the gas site companies will then be lost, as will the opportunity for the public to present their concerns to representatives of the gas site.

Speeding Traffic Meeting

'Until there is a fatal accident or someone is seriously injured nothing will be done about speeding traffic.'

This is the message which came from a meeting of the Withernsea & South East Holderness Regeneration Partnership held on 25 June at Skeffling Village Hall.

Mick Harris, Flagship Manager of Safer Roads Humber gave a down to earth presentation on the facts of speeding. Whilst it was very informative on the research which has been done into speeding, it did not give any solutions as to how excessive speeds can be reduced through the villages.

Concerns with incidents involving speeding drivers have been reported from Keyingham through to Withernsea on the A1033 and Easington on the B1445. The reaction to these reports were always the same: Until someone is killed nothing will be done.

During a recent police monitoring exercise in Skeffling it was revealed that all the drivers cautioned for speeds in excess of 45/50mph in the 30mph zone, were going to the gas site in Easington. A representative of the gas site told the meeting that workers were constantly being reminded to cut their speed, but it didn't seem to make any difference.

Every year BP send all their people on advanced driving courses. Yet two people have already been dismissed after a second offence of speeding. He said that road safety was of paramount importance and education must be part of the answer in making drivers aware of the dangers of speeding.

Cllr. Peter Taylor, of the Local Action Team, was adamant that every one of the agencies must concentrate on the problem of safety. The Police, Fire Service, and NHS are very interested in stopping road accidents. The Local Action Team is anxious to have talks with them all to achieve progress in this area. He said residents are very concerned about speeding and LAT needs to show they are trying to find a solution.

Mick Harris advised that the public should report incidents to the police. There as some concern that there could be vigilante repercussions if names and addresses were given. He said that if a caller prefer to remain anonymous, make sure you get a Log Number which will prove your call was made.

The meeting also discussed various traffic calming measures. Most of the villages already have these which have not solved the problem. 'Slow Down' signs, flashing signs, and speed cameras will not be used in the area as our accident rate does not fit the criteria. These are reserved for towns and cities with high accident rates.

Another idea which has been put forward is for hand held mobile cameras to be used by trained volunteers. The cost of the camera and training would have to be borne by Parish Councils. This idea is still at the talking stage, but has been successfully introduced in North Lincolnshire.

These cameras won't lead to prosecutions for speeding, but will provide the Police with valuable information.

It is encouraging that the problem of speeding motorists is now being taken very seriously by the authorities, and with pressure from the public it won't go away until a satisfactory solution has been found.

Cllr. Lesley Hodgson of Holmpton Parish Council said she didn't think the meeting was very helpful and didn't offer any solutions. "We need more police co-operation, we can't do anything on our own. The mobile camera seems a very good idea, but the Police must be more community minded." For those of you who want to report any road traffic incidents to the Police the number is 0845 60 60 222